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or call 603-556-3155
What is a KNOX Home Inspection?
When you hire Knox Home Inspections your home becomes our business, and we will access every area of the house that is physically possible. Then we will explain all of the systems of the home and any defects found. Inspection reports are always delivered the SAME DAY, digital reports with lots of pictures and video too. We use the best Radon air testing equipment on the market to give you the fastest and most accurate results possible. We offer a range of water testing services and can also test for asbestos containing materials. For a SAMPLE REPORT click here.
Fill out the form below to contact us and schedule your inspection
Your information will go right to Riley’s cell phone (that’s him on the roof below). We value privacy and will keep your information safe and private.

Knox Home Inspections can provide buyers and sellers with peace of mind and a lot of information. Our YouTube channel has a lot videos from actual home inspections. Our blogs above have a lot of info about everything from the basement to the roof and more.
Specialty water testing for things like VOC’s and PFOA’s can be provided also. Asbestos and lead testing can also be provided on a house to house basis. If you have any concerns about these things in your home give us a call. There are a lot of useful links and blogs about a lot of these things higher up on this page. Give us a call if you have any questions about the home inspection process or any particular systems of your current or future home. Commercial property inspection are not a problem, we do them all the time. Wineries, cheese shops, breweries, farms (lots of farms), laundromats, bars, restaurants, you name it and we have probably inspected it.