This is a list of qualified professionals that you may want to call after your recent home inspection. All of these professionals I have personally hired or, have worked with on the same projects.
Please tell all the people on this list that RILEY sent you. I track referrals and thank you’s to make sure this list is continuing to take good care of my clients.
Make sure to always get multiple quotes, especially for expensive projects.
Handy Man Services:
Nick Brosseau 603-315-3495 [email protected]
Oil and Propane:
Dead River Company: 603-625-8531 https://www.deadriver.com
Tell them group code #1891 to get HUGE savings on Propane and Oil
Septic Pumping:
Maznek Septic Company : 603-471-1415 Maznekseptic.com
Radon Air and Water Filtration Systems:
Coletta Radon Systems, 603-401-3563
K&G Electric: 603-860-0324
Tech Solutions and Power: 603-396-7402 www.tspower.us
Goffstown Lock and Key 603-860-4047 https://goffstownlockandkey.com/
Innovative Roofing: 339-224-1226 https://innovativeroofingnh.com/
Sentry Roofing: 603-774-7663 https://sentryroofingnh.com/
Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning:
Paradigm Plumbing Heating and AC: 603-641-6400 https://paradigmph.com/
Glacier Plumbing and Heating: 603-391-2053
Home Air Plus – Heating, Air Conditioning: 603-497-4500 https://www.homeairplus.com/
Elite Mechanical: 603-300-8803 [email protected]
Jeff The Painter: 407-433-4212
Home Insurance:
Josh Klecan, Core Insurance: 603-401-2990
Mold Remediation, Asbestos Abatement and Water Damage
New England Remediations Services: 603-491-5738 https://moldremovalnh.com/
NE Distaster Solutions: 877-987-3786 nedisastersolutions.com
Tree Services:
Bartlett Tree Experts: Joe Davis: Cell: 603-234-7732
Pinard Tree Service: Geoff 603-518-0968 pinardtreeservice.com
Indoor Air Quality and Mold Testing:
EOC Environmental: Joe Molloy. 781-710-0234 www.eocenvironmental.com
Chimneys and Fireplaces:
Integrity Chimney: Kevin 603-660-4644
Pest Removal:
Pest-End: Kelly McDonough 603-686-2890 pestendinc.com
Landscaping and Lawn Care:
Giant Landscaping: 603-932-6062 giantlandscaping.net
Trash Removal and Cleanouts
Trash King: Tyler 603-404-0386
Professional Organizer / Decluttering
Klean Haven: Karina 978-807-8584 kleanhaven.mailchimpsites.com